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Dream Play Win

What is the difference between us and conventional syndicates?


 Conventional tip community

  • Profit is shared by all other players, thus low payout
  • No really "own" series of tips
  • no participation in tickets outside of the limited syndicate
  • The number of syndicates is usually limited to friends / colleagues
  • thus lower chance of winning due to the low number of players in the syndicate


  • 80% payout in the event of a win for your own series in 1st and 2nd rank
  • additional participation in all betting series (20% of a win from someone else's tip in 1st and 2nd rank are distributed as a percentage)
  • 100% payout in the event of a win for your own row in 3rd and 4th rank


  • high payout of your own betting series
  • additional participation in ALL betting series
  • Significantly higher chance of winning due to the high number of betting lines
  • active and passive play possible
  • no need to reside in Europe or the United Arab Emirates through the syndicate